
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Microsoft finally releases Kinect SDK for Windows for gamers

As his promise when firstly launching Kinect for Xbox 360 gaming console, Microsoft has finally officially released the SDK (software development kit) for Windows. With the SDK, motion-sensored controller can be used to play games on the computer.
Microsoft finally releases Kinect SDK for Windows for gamers

"What surprised me today is because with this SDK we can encourage new creativity and impact on hundreds of millions of people who already have a PC," said Anoop Gupta, Microsoft Research Distinguished Scientist as reported by the website TechRadar.

Availability Kinect SDK for Windows was announced via the Microsoft web video channel on Thursday (06/16/2011). Microsoft encourages software developers to use the SDK to develop applications based motion sensors.

Promise to give Microsoft's SDK has been done since the activities of developers meeting in April 2011 MIX2011 ago. However, the new first beta version is available today and can be downloaded for free at Microsoft's research group website.

However, the status of the SDK is for non commercial use. So that users can not use to make a paid application. Microsoft's new research interests and make them available to hobbyists. However, Microsoft is also promising for commercial SDK in the future without mentioning the certainty of his time.

The SDK consists of access to the sensor-senor cameras and microphones diguankan on Kinect. In addition, the SDK also provides the ease of developing form-based navigation control body to the three players.

"I know you all will surprise us with thoughts and fancies that came after we provide Kinect to encourage progress in the field of robotics, education, healthcare, and automotive," said Gupta.