AntiSec group yesterday claimed, had damaged and destroyed the web site on a number of police agencies the United States (U.S.) in retaliation for the arrest of colleagues who are accused of hacking by British police.
"We are releasing large amounts of confidential information that is sure to embarrass, humiliate and blame the police officers across the U.S.," Message AntiSec.
Earlier this week, Jack Davis, a 18-year-old British man, believed to be a hacker with the nickname 'Topiary' on trial in the London court.
Davis spokesman for the group suspected of hacking LulzSec and Anonymous. He was charged with assault and damage to the website, including Britain's Soca which is inaccessible for several hours on 20 June.
LulzSec has also claimed responsibility for a series of attacks such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and electronics giant Sony.
"We did this as a form of solidarity with Topiary and the defendant Anonymous as well as all other political prisoners who face charges of unfair judicial system," added AntiSec, as quoted by the Straits Times, Sunday (08/07/2011).
AntiSec group releasing information hacked from 70 local police agencies of United States