
Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Progress of cloud must be watched out, because the hackers attacked vulnerably

Scenios CEO of Mark Davis in his explanation of cloud computing or cloud computing, says there is a risk that is connected to the cloud. Users should understand the risks.

The Progress of cloud must be watched out, because the hackers attacked vulnerably

According to the definition of cloud varies. However, widely portrayed as a service that can be accessed via the Internet. Gmail, Google calendar, Facebook, and Twitter are examples of cloud-based services.

Business cloud was estimated in 2014 to reach U.S. $ 55.5 billion. But at the same time, this cloud affects the security system as it does on Sony's PlayStation Network and Amazon. Both companies had been burglarized hackers.

To protect the cloud of piracy, David has developed a security system including all product information, budgets, scripts, jadwalm videom until the final product. ''Our company has been expanding. We have to wrap the content in the 12 levels of various types of security,''he said.

With this system, companies can save all data in a central location. System work more efficiently, faster, and companies can focus on production.

Currently Scenios technology has been used to protect the Amazon cloud system security network, and promised to have nearly perfect reliability, or 99.999%.

Other systems are used by Scenios watermaking video system. From the description of David, this system has a strict control. If you record or take a video stream through the iPhone, then watermaking video system will provide information, file name and user name.

Then this system can tell the new studio anyone who downloaded the video. In other words, this''studio by studio basis, and this system reduces the risk of burglary.''