
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Words of Twitter and Facebook is officially prohibited in France

FRANCE specifies the name of Twitter and Facebook should not be mentioned in radio and television, but the pronunciation is part of the ad.

The reason, the French government returned to a decree of 1992, who said the mention of that service is an act of advertising. Therefore the second mention of the name of social networking this is a preferential treatment.

''Why give preference to Facebook, which is worth billions of dollars, when there are many other social networks are struggling to get recognition,''said Christine Kelly, a spokesman for France's Conseil Superieur de l'Audiovisuel (CSA).

He said this would be a distortion of competition. ''If Twitter and Facebook may be cited for broadcast, it's like opening Pandora's box. Other social networks will complain to us, why not us?''

A former blogger Matous Fraser can understand that decision. Moreover, it is the attitude of France's action in restricting foreign products and culture, especially the Americans who entered the country.

''Facebook and Twitter is a social networking Americans. In France, at least implicitly, as a symbol of Anglo-Saxon who dominate globally, along with MTV, McDonald's, Disneyland, Apple and other cultures. French soul against the domination of Anglo-Saxon culture can not be disputed.''

French government's decision was not the first time. In 2003, the local government issued a ban on the use of the word email in all communications and publications of government.