
Sunday, June 19, 2011

U.S. Government will develop Virtual Field Shots

GOVERNMENT United States (U.S.) erect a scale model of the Internet to test the cyber war. Projects that spend millions of dollars it is called a virtual firing range.

U.S. Government will develop Virtual Field Shots

The U.S. government can do a simulation of cyber attacks and creating a system of protection against such attacks. Defence agent platform that made ​​the Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that allows the U.S. government to test their defenses against cyber attacks without causing havoc in the real world online.

Eric Mazzacone DARPA spokeswoman said the U.S. government can complete the test within days. The project is currently in the stage of conception with defense contractor Lockheed Martin who had been a victim of cyber criminals.

The American government has recently allocated funds amounting to U.S. $ 500 million to develop cyber technologies. The funds are taken from the defense budget. Currently, the U.S. government classifies cyber attacks as an act of war. A little history about DARPA. Agent researchers turned out to be an Internet pioneer in the 1960s.