
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Because of Nuclear Radiation, New Baby Women Reduced?

BERLIN - nuclear radiation caused by the explosion of the reactor and atomic bomb tests resulted in the birth of a baby girl in the whole world is reduced drastically. Similarly hasi recent studies from a number of scientists in Germany as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (06/06/2011).

Nuclear Radiation touted lead to lower birth rate baby girl

Scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen analyzing population data from 1975 to 2007 in several European countries and the United States. From that data, they found an increase in the birth of baby boys than baby girls in all sample countries.

This phenomenon also occurs in many Eastern European countries for several years after the big explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, Ukraine in 1986. But according to scientists this phenomenon has been felt since the early 1960s in which many countries competing to make the atomic bomb testing.

"Countries that are near the Chernobyl experience a stronger reaction," said one researcher, Hagen Scherb of Germany Research Center for Environmental Health.

This can be evidenced from the level of male births is higher than women in Belarus, a country neighboring Ukraine. But is not the case in France which is located far away from Ukraine.

According to Dr. Scherb, research shows that nuclear radiation cause damage to the X chromosome in sperm. As is known, XY chromosome combination will produce a baby boy, while the XX combination produces a baby girl.

Although this study based on statistics in the Cold War era, but scientists claim discovery of these shows are relevant picture of how type nuclear disaster could affect the condition of gender.

Furthermore, scientists had predicted the return of decline following the birth of a baby girl leak disaster at a nuclear reactor Fukushima Daiichi, Japan, some time ago.

"We do not know whether radioactive leak in Fukushima quite large and can spread throughout the world. Perhaps the effect is only happening in Japan, but if the radioactivity was spread through water and air, maybe we'll see a similar impact. Especially in the West Coast of America, "added Scherb.