CALIFORNIA - The next generation of Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One, those are PS 5 and Xbox One 2, come faster in prediction.
Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One have launched years ago. Both giants game console manufacturers should think to determine the next steps, which launches next product.
Devinder Kumar, AMD said SVP and CFO at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Technology Conference that product life cycles are getting shorter now and the company must be ready to spawn new innovations. "The life cycle (life cycle) products will probably be shorter. Customers we are already thinking about what comes next," says Kumar, as reported by Ubergizmo, Tuesday (06/10/2014).
Console games earlier before the emergence of the PS4 or Xbox One need up to 6-7 years of product. However, conditions are different this time.
Developers are still developing games for the latest generation of consoles because of the audience and customer base that has been built. Kumar believes that the more advanced technology and efficient manufacturing systems, resulting in the production of new products will not be expensive.
Thus, the successor to the PS4 and Xbox gaming console One seems to be faster than expected. Does not rule out the possibility the company will prepare a Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) or Xbox One 2.