
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Most visited selfie Celebs for retweet more than 3 millions times

CALIFORNIA - Those Most visited selfie  Celebs for retweet more than 3 millions times can be met in the event of 2014 Oscar Award.

While a number of famous celebrities the world gathered in one frame, would directly attract the attention of many people . This also happened when comedienne Ellen DeGeneres photo ' selfie ' with famous celebrities.

Bearing Cup event of the 2014 Oscar collected  successful celebrities , including Jennifer Lawrence , Angelina Jolie , Bradley Cooper, Kevin Spacey , Jared Leto , Maeryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Lupita Nyong'o , and Brad Pitt. They all picture taken together in the format of an Academy Award .

Photos ' selfie ' that was posted by DeGeneres on Twitter and successful history in print , by getting more than a million retweets in just 45 minutes. Even when the news was revealed , the photo was retweeted more than 3 million times .

Previously, the record for the most number of photos retweeted is U.S. President Barack Obama , having been re-elected in 2012. Tweet Obama gathered 778 424 retweets since 2012 . For comparison , photos selfie DeGeneres scooped more than 400 thousand retweets in just 30 minutes .