
Sunday, September 15, 2013

how to change their vocals to your own voice WITH COOL EDIT PRO

how wonderful when you can make your own music with simple ways like this. Actually, you can change theirvocals to your  own voice   WITH COOL EDIT PRO.

Here's how to change their  vocals to your own voice , where you can change their voice your favourite song with his own voice , in order to listen to or play through the mp3 player .

The first step we open the first app of Cool edit pro . continued input file that you want to replace the song with the sound of your vocals . namely to click open the folder as shown above ...!

Then select the song you want to replace her vocals with your voice . as shown above , and then click Open

Make sure the input file that you can like the picture above , because there are mp3 files that can not be cut vocals . ( Have patent of its product ) ........

Once the incoming file , then drag the file into the right hand column , so it appears like the picture above ...!

The next step is to edit the file by pressing the Edit View , make sure the file docked to the left hand column so that no Noices , before it can be edited on the first listen or play , by pressing the Play button , as shown above .

The next step is to remove the original sound , is to be replaced with our voices , by pressing the + Vocal Favoritees cut above bleak picture ...

 After the file is changed as shown above , then listen to the song once they have been cut vocals , by pressing the play button bleak description of the above , make sure the file is already in pieces , vocals sound is gone or still sounding a bit . then click the Edit View again to resume dubbing ...... ! !
The next step is to add voice or vocal into the song , by click Record to do the recording , before recording make sure the R Button first , as shown above , so that the record can be entered in the song .... ! !
When finished entering the sound , and then click the Stop button to stop recording , and you can do the recording again by pressing Record again ..!