Besides introducing Sony NEX-6, the company also introduced three new lenses, which SELP1650, and the last is SEL35F18 SEL1018. NEX 6 camera is also sold bundled with a lens for $ 1000 USD SELP1650. As for the lens itself can be found respectively at a price of $ 350 USD, $ 450USD and $ 850USD.
Mirrorless cameras from Sony, the NEX-6 has just been officially introduced. Kamer aini offers a large sensor APS-C 16MP is pinned on the camera body.
The camera is equipped with OLED viewfinder and a control wheel located on the top. Furthermore, other features found on the mirrorless camera is WiFi. With these features, you can directly send photos to a computer creations or upload to social networking. For ease in editing an image, the camera is packed with features PlayMemories Camera Apps. With this feature, the NEX-6 can download image editing application.
The camera is also equipped with a hybrid autofocus system and object accuracy rate is higher. Regarding the price, this camera is still quite expensive. To obtain this camera, you have to spend for $ 850 USD.