
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Latest version of Joomla's released and updated

For those of you who want to learn website, one of the easiest ways is to learn cms. due to the cms, we need not linger in depth study site, but we've been able to create websites that are representative. this is because we've been able to create an interactive website. arguably shorten joomla cms website creation we study a representative

Joomla has just launched a content management system (CMS) new, namely Joomla 1.7.3. This latest update comes with a variety of improvements, especially in the security system.

the Joomla 1.7.3's accompanied by several features as follows:

  1. - Problems preg_quote on utf8_ireplace function has been improved.
  2. - Users can save a copy of the template style
  3. - Fix redirect problem at login
  4. - Improvements on the code end of line
  5. - Page breaks can now function correctly when the 'table of contents' gives a chance to hide
  6. - Improvements in Jdatabasequery
  7. - Problem when installing a foreign language has been corrected
  8. - Changes in the back-end language now only works when set to default

However, there are still many other features excluding the features above repaired by the Joomla. Totally, there're 77 fixes and two security issues. For more details, those can be seen on the official Joomla website.

Some of cms excluding joomla which you can learn, each has advantages and disadvantages. The best thing is more serious in one CMS only, because it will be more focused and more mature in the hang of it.