The attack is targeting large companies, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the number of countries such as Vietnam, South Korea, Canada, and even the United Nations (UN) and security firms.
Research conducted over the past five years involving information from a number of organizations suspected of being victimized. "From our records, it appears the direction of the attack," Samani said. "In some cases, we were allowed to probe deeper and see what was taken, and in many cases we have evidence that there is intellectual property is stolen," he explained.
McAfee declined to say who he thought should be responsible, but there is speculation that mention that China is the mastermind behind the attacks. However, China refused and called the allegations as baseless and irresponsible. Rebuttal that was published in the People's Daily, a Chinese newspaper, reported that the report only McAfee engineered so that people would buy the product safety.
Jim Lewis, Internet expert from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said that China is probably behind all this because a number of targets have the information if needed Beijing. "All the leads to China. It could also be Russian, but more evidence that led to China than Russia," said Lewis.
However, Graham Cluley, of Sophos computer security experts said another. "We can not prove that the mastermind is China. But do not be naive. All countries in the world could use the internet to spy on. Easy and cheap."
Previously, Google has accused Chinese hackers trying to steal the password of your e-mail hundreds of Google, including the United States government employees, and human rights activists and journalists in China. At that time overseas edition of People's Daily, hit back by saying that Google has become a "political tool" being used to slander the Chinese government, and warned that such statements could damage Google's business.
Cluley said the security firms often dikecohkan with actions that are very outspoken of online activists like LulzSec and Anonymous, who had broken into a number of important sites lately. "Sometimes not always about blatantly stealing money or breaking into the data. But secretly steal information, which could have political value, high military or financial," said Cluley. "In short, do not let your defenses down."
a series of cyber attacks are rated as the greatest ever at least 72 organizations became the target