LONDON - Teenagers who named Chris Staniforth was killed after he was chatting with a friend complained that when he woke up he felt pain in his shoulder. Is it because of xbox?
Chris Staniforth was killed due continuity of playing Xbox
A 20-year-old British teenager from Shefield reportedly died after experiencing symptoms of blood clots after playing Xbox continuously for 12 hours.
After the conversation, Staniforth dropping a gum wrapper, but when they want to pick it up, he started convulsing. Ambulance was summoned, but medics failed to save his life.
As quoted from the Product Review on Monday (08/01/2011), has confirmed that Staniforth was not suffering from an illness. Since the position of his body remained for hours that causes blood vessels frozen teens.
This case could be a lesson to all parties that playing games excessively can cause fatal consequences.
Over this incident the father of Staniforth said that how dangerous game addiction. It is known that Chris is very fond of playing the game Halo on Xbox, and his own father did not want to blame Microsoft as the manufacturer of Xbox.