Minnesota - Barry Ardolf has been known to hijack neighbor's WiFi network, Matt and Bethany Kostolnik. In addition Ardolf also said to have committed cyber terror against the couple, as quoted by SodaHead on Saturday (16/07/2011)
A man sentenced 18 years in prison for having hijacked theneighbor's WiFi network, and use it for bad purposes.
Some of the things on which to base Ardolf detention was that herepeatedly had hijacked Kostolnik's WiFi network in 2009 anduse it to access child pornography, as well as to send some e-mail threats to a number of politicians, including Vice President of the United States (U.S.), Joe Biden .
After investigation, it turns out that the reason Ardolf performactions is because he never reported by the partner Kostolnik to the police after getting caught kissing their son who was 4 years old.
"Ardolf already proven that he is a dangerous man. When he isangry with his neighbor, he was terrorized," said prosecutorTimothy Rank.
"And he did his terror not through a general way, but through the virtual world," he added.
In addition, also got a lot of extra Ardolf tunduhan, includingidentity theft on the internet and the alleged child pornography.
While lawyers from the Ardolf said that the sentence was toolong for someone who has no criminal record. However, based on the results of the investigation, Ardolf was also hijack otherneighboring WiFi networks, and terror against them.
Barry Ardolf has been known to hijack neighbor's WiFi network,