
Friday, July 22, 2011

Wow!! Anonymous can break NATO's security system

Anonymous hacker group claimed to have been breaking the security system of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). They confessed to stealing classified documents from there.

Wow!! Anonymous can break NATO's security system

"Yes, # of NATO was breached and we have a lot of confidential material. With a simple burglary. In the days ahead, wait for interesting data:)," the group said it in his Twitter page today.

As proof of his claim, Anonymous sent two PDF files which it said was taken from NATO. One document PDFCast uploaded to the site, but it was revoked.

Other documents published in PDF Host.Net has been given the title "NATO-ESTRICTED.Outsourcing-Balkan-CIS. [MCM-0167-2007 (January 9, 08) - outsourcing of the Balkans CIS Support]. Pdf." Until now the file can still be accessed.

Anonymous claims many more documents that they hold. However, they promised not to publish them all. "We've got one GB of data from NATO now. It will not be published because it was responsible. Later, wait for another data." They said another tweet Anonymous.

NATO spokesman told the Telegraph that they are investigating claims of Anonymous.

NATO is a continuation of attacks against the threat posed Anonymous in early June against the government and organizations that do not challenge them. Anonymous responds to a report prepared by Lord Joplin, NATO reporting.

Joplin, in a report compiled in May, asking governments and organizations guard against hacking or cyber criminals for political purposes. The report also called Anonymous was behind the attacks against MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, Amazon, and many other companies.