
Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's true! GOOGLE LABS' officially discontinued

SAN FRANCISCO - Google has reportedly shut down one of its services, the Google Labs. This is done intentionally because thecompany wanted to focus more to the problem of development and energy.

It's true! GOOGLE LABS' officially discontinued

Google Labs is itself a 'arena test' for Internet users to try outGoogle's products, before it was thrown in the full version lyas. So that was quoted by AFP on Thursday (07/21/2011).

Closing of Google Labs is indeed very disappointing, because the service is not one service that fails. But according to Google CEOLarry Page, Google's done it deliberately intending to assist them to create and focus on works that senasional.

Actions by the company based in California, of course, provokedcomments from some of the other Google retainer, one of them isBill Coughran, senior vice president for research and systemsinfrastructure

"While we have learned with the launch of prototypes very early in Labs, we believe that greater focus is very important if we want tomake the most of the tremendous opportunity ahead," he said.

Added by him, a few Labs experiments will be incorporated intoGoogle's products or remain available as an application fordevices running on Android software.